Diabetes and Bone Health

Diabetes and bone health SIMS Hospital

Here’s another reason why you should take diabetes seriously and start addressing the early signs. Type-2 diabetes is a common condition that affects a lot of people irrespective of their age. It poses a threat to both macrovascular and microvascular factors in our body. There are many reasons associated with diabetes that can lead to bone problems. Here are some of them:

● Reduced release of insulin related growth factors that can otherwise promote the growth of cartilages, bones, and skeletal muscles.
● Oxidative stress in the body.
● A drop in calcium absorption into the body.
● Calcium discharge in urine.

These factors contribute to poor bone health. When your bones are weak, there’s an increased risk of fractures. A prolonged condition as this can also result in other bone related diseases like osteoporosis or osteopenia. Here are ways you can keep your bone health at check.

● Physical exercise - Blood circulation is very important for your body. Studies show people who do moderate physical exercise have a reduced chance of getting diabetes. Strength-training and weight bearing exercises are good to start with.
● A healthy diet - It is a myth that calcium can be derived only from milk. The harmful effects of milk are often gone unnoticed and people end up having unhealthy cow milk that adds up to more fat. Eating high amounts of meat is also not a great choice given the amount of adulteration that various kinds of foods have. Spinach, nuts, legumes, pulses, seeds, and grains are some of the best options to include in your daily diet. Adding fruits and vegetables is also an amazing choice if you want to lead a healthy life.
● Change your lifestyle - Women who are diabetic and who also smoke should quit smoking. This is because, this can lead to premature menopause that can result to bone risk. Smoking is also another reason for poor calcium absorption. Besides smoking, alcohol is another element that you should consider to quit. It negatively impacts bone density and can raise the risk of encountering osteoporosis.
● Blood sugar control - It’s not just the usual sugars you have cut down on. Rice has a high glucose that can shoot up your blood sugar if not eaten in the right quantities. Blood sugar can be controlled only by controlling your eating habits. Indian breads are considered one of the best alternatives to heating tasty and staying healthy.

Diabetes can be reversed if you are able to identify its symptoms at an earlier age. While medicines are not the only solution, you can always alter your condition with better food and lifestyle habits.